Thursday, February 3, 2011

february = love

i never really liked valentine's day.
i don't have any traumatic experience from it or anything, just thought it was kind of shallow and lame and full of flowers that are going to die the next day.

until last year.
now i LOVE valentine's day!
because we focus on His love for us and our love for each other and it's just precious.

did this again...added green ones for sawyer :-)
changed it a little bit this year....i did most of the notes/verses but pat also wrote one for each child AND each child wrote 1 for each of their siblings.
of course, they are most excited to get the ones from daddy and each other :-)
we are also reading 1 corinthians chapter 13 each night at dinner.
and we've memorized 1 Corinthians 13:4 this week.
this has been just as good for me as it has been for them...especially at this time of the day when i've about reached the end of my rope and we all can't wait to hear daddy's garage door go up and...well, it's just a good time to focus on LOVE.
focusing on love is a good thing.
without the flowers.


Tisha said...

Looks like you had a sweet little dinner guest. ;-)

Courtney said...

oh, yes! there are always a couple extra babies around here :-) just what we need!

Megan said...

I LOVE it too! Thanks for your reminder post last week. It amazes me how Clay is really eating this up. He is excited to hear a reason why we love him. Makes me know I need to be sharing those thoughts more often, but so glad we are being intentional about it right now! You are the best for letting my copy you all the time!