Monday, January 24, 2011

we're getting good at "resting"

we have been even more intentional about sundays being a "day of rest" the last few months.
it does help that it's SO freezing outside and you don't want to do anything BUT sit under a blanket.
AND it also helps to work HARD the other 6 days...makes the rest that much sweeter!
{LOVE his lines on his face right after waking up from his nap :-)} also have to plan for it.
you can't just STOP for a day.
i use part of saturday to prepare for the week ahead...that way i know i can rest easy on sunday without having to wonder if i'm ready for monday!

our whole family watching football together :-)
i know, i know...sweetness...
this was just a good day...even a good weekend for my heart.
i feel peaceful and i am trusting.
i have my moments. i could so quickly get anxious and frustrated at this wait that seems like it will never end.
but, He has reminded me in such TANGIBLE, and BIG and small ways that HE IS WITH ME. and He is with THEM. and I am not in control. and He knows best.
{oh, why does this have to be so hard???? sorry...just a little cry from my weary heart...}

ok. back to the "easy and fun" stuff!
YUMMY dinner last night! wow!
got the recipe here.
it was delicious...and perfect for eating on the floor in front of a football game! :-)


Anonymous said...

So weird. I used this EXACT recipe for a couple days ago. It's amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

So weird. I used this EXACT recipe for a couple days ago. It's amazing!!!

Heather Ragosta said...

courtney - I think we read all the same blogs!!! I just found this recipe, too, and planned to make it this past weekend but didn't have a chance. Glad to hear it is good because I definitely will try it now!

Tisha said...

Mmmmm...looks yummy!! Those are some super sweet pictures. So happy you are enjoying some rest.