Sunday, September 26, 2010

the sabbath


"There are 2 sides to Sabbath: the deeper, more contemplative part that we label 'spiritual' and the more practical side of slowing down, which is the discipline of Sabbath. We often want to skip the discipline part and move right on to the deep, meaningful part. The trouble is, the only way to to get to the peace and joy and deeply spiritual part is by walking down the path of practicality. And all of it, the mundane, daily discipline and the 'deep', is spiritual."
Keri Wyatt Kent

today has truly been a day of rest.
the "practical" kind...which in turn will turn into the "deeper" kind...
He knows.
we need this.
and my spirit
and body
and family
are soaking it in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

just bought this for an online book club and thought I'd share if you want to check it out. they said it's an older book though, so maybe you've read it ~ S.

Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal and delight in our Busy Lives by Wayne Muller