these are some of the books i've read this summer.
thought i'd take a little break from my blog book and do a little post...
{seriously..making a blog book is one of the most painful things i have every done.
i hate it. almost as much as i hate potty training.
but it's worth it.
almost as much as potty training is :-)}
sorry...i'm not linking them.
just go to amazon and type in the title!
for women only:
loved this book.
read it at a time that i really needed it.
i wasn't feeling content with "pat and i" - where we were in our relationship.
and this book helped me focus on ME and not HIM!
AND helped me to understand him better!
Do Hard Things:
this is written by 2 teenage boys TO teenagers.
the idea is that teenagers (and their parents!) today have very low expectations of what they should be doing. they look at the "teenage years" as a big, long vacation. these 2 young men encourage teenagers to do MORE with their teenage years. LOVED it! i look forward to reading this/discussing it with my kids as they get a little bit older.
amazing book.
i turn down the corner of a page when there is something on it that i like {because i'm typically reading in bed at night and not sitting up where i can underline} and this book has just about every other page corner turned down!
pat and i are listening to his sermon series on this...we've listened to 4 of the 8 so far.
prepare to be challenged!
One Million Arrows:
"Raising your children to change the world"
another great book.
not my favorite book of all time.
but i liked it.
turned some page corners down :-)
Gospel-Powered Parenting:
LOVE this book!
up until i read this book there was really only 1 book i would recommend to "new" parents and that was "Shepherding A Child's Heart" by Ted Tripp.
this book is a CLOSE second to that one.
REALLY, really like it.
it didn't teach me a ton of new stuff.
but it did give me renewed confidence as a parent.
and i needed that.
this book will NOT collect dust on the bookshelf.
it will be by my bed at all times and i'm sure i will go back to it often!
Loving Our Kids on Purpose:
this book was a little hard for me.
there were parts i liked and needed to hear.
really getting a "heart connection" with your children is something i desire and need to work on more and this book talked about that a lot.
and parts i didn't agree with.
which is fine.
as long as it makes you think and you go back to the Bible to make your final conclusions...i think there is nothing wrong with that!
all these books are written by men...sinful men...we have to keep that in mind.
NONE of them are perfect (the men OR the books)
there's my book report for today :-)
any other good ones you've read lately???
I've read three of those this summer.
you need to read Half the Sky.
i love how the books we are reading give a glimpse as to where we are in our lives.
i agree with holly...Half the Sky.
i did love Three Cups of Tea, too.
also, i have Whiter than Snow by Paul Tripp in my amazon card. skimmed through it a bit a couple months ago and loved every single word i read. can't wait to get my hands on it!
oh...and Cold Tangerines. that one sits in my amazon cart, too. along with about 20 others. but those 2 are at the top of the list. :)
Girl, I am right with you with the blog book. I've only ever made one because the process was horrendous! Hated it! But it's worth it!
Can't wait to read Gospel-Powered Parenting, b/c I loved Shepherding a Child's heart.
Loved "Your Girl" by Vickey Courtney talks about raising girls today, and how much harder it is this generation then in past. And of course, for the adoption journey, "The Connected Child" by Karyn Purvis (attatching this book)...oh and for sure, "Scared" by Tom Davis...awesome fiction book, but based on true stories of the Orphan Crisis in Swaziland..this is the book we (husband too) cried through and made us decide to adopt..again. Ok..1 more..."Not For Sale" really hard to read (for my heart) but awesome! sorry, didn't mean to post so long..:) I just love books!
Have you read "The connected Child" by Karyn Purvis? I must read for adoptive parents, and humbling for ANY parent.
Also, Hold Onto Your Kids (I think you'll love this)
Hope you are well!
JUST today i've heard two of those books mentioned again - Radical and Do Hard Things...Going to have to get them I think. time to cash in my swagbucks for some amazon money i think! :)
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