Monday, June 7, 2010

the weekend...expanded

it was a full one...
12 mile game...
HOT, HUMID weather...

i asked pat for 2 hours to myself on saturday afternoon.
i hid in the basement and crafted away.
you'll see it all soon! it was so fun!
it's amazing how much i can get done in 2 uninterrupted hours!

saturday night the young's came over and made us dinner!
it was fabulous...being with them AND the food!
thanks, guys!

sunday we left sawyer with my parents (thanks, mom and dad!!!)
and went to the national's baseball game.
it was little league day for joshua's baseball team.
such fun!

all the teams got to walk in a parade before the game

and then we watched the game.
spent a fortune on lunch.
got rained on.
and had a blast!

it was nice to just have the older 3.
but we ALL missed sawyer like crazy!
it's amazing how different it feels when just 1 is missing!

we picked sawyer up from my parents.
swung by the panter's to hug them!
they live right around the corner from my parents...which is SO fun!
got a quick tour of her fun to see someone's house for the first time when you've known them for awhile! they are some amazing people. the cassada's LOVE the panter's...for REAL.

then we headed to a birthday party for a friend.
such a great group of friends.
and they love our kids so well...that's saying a lot when you have a clan like ours!

it was a full weekend.
i had some moments of wasn't all perfect.
but it was pretty good...and i'll take it!

1 comment:

Tisha said...

I really LIKE those close up pictures of sweet Cassada faces!!