Thursday, June 3, 2010

barely sane

lunch today {for the kids} was dorito's, raisins and ramen noodles. gross and random. but i didn't care.

bailey took a friend to ballet today for "bring a friend day"...except it was really next Thursday. nice. pretty sure a lot of people around me think i'm a failure. oh well. at least i was {really} early and not late, right??

i found a pair of brand new cleats for joshua at a thrift store for $3. that made me ridiculously happy. he just grew out of his current ones...yet he is still wearing them...because i'm a failure and all...

i'm really glad i posted that quote the other day. it's kept me barely on the side of sane-ness. posting something is kinda like writing it down for me...makes me remember it better.

after talking for a few minutes last night, pat prayed for us. i cried. once he was done praying, he held me for a moment longer. he was so kind. then i just sat up and grabbed my laptop. he's all, "are you ok?" i said, "no! but i don't have time to not be ok! i have email to catch up on and we have to get to bed!" if you asked him, i'm pretty sure he would say i'm insane :-)

i hate it when i have water in my ears from swimming for the whole day. makes me crazy.

i started getting a migraine this morning {starting seeing "the" spots} and was able to fight it off with a mixture of advil, water, diet coke, gummy bears and peanuts! NOT a failure! yay!

God is good.
all the time.
even when i'm a failure.
His grace is complete and always there.
i'm sad that my life is louder than that truth sometimes.
but that truth is always that truth and for that...i'm so very grateful.


Amy said...

Hugs to you, my friend. :)

veronica said...

did you cut the grass today to help find your sanity? LOL or did I just inspire you by cutting ours? Remember to let somethings go. Everyone will survive even those who you don't get back to on email.

beckley said...

well personally, i think you're amazing.

like, always.

Courtney said...

yes! cutting the grass was awesome! all alone and it's so loud i can't even hear them when they come talk to me :-)

Carrie said...

Your kiddos faces in these photos say, "You are NOT a failure!"

And what kid is not supremely happy with Dorito's, raisins, & ramen for lunch?

You're doing great Mama!

Unknown said...

I am thankful you are real on your blog! There are a few other blogs out there of moms who are adopting who make it seem like they and their families are perfect. I love that your family life is as crazy as mine...

Julie said...

i started to tear reading this.
I hate satan, he is just attacking you...
because you are NOT a failure.
Sucky him. You rock and your family loves you
I am so thankful that you are my friend and you are wonderfully flawed and loved.
remember that
God doesn't ask us to be perfect. And we aren't. You are beautifully and wonderfully made.
Satan sucks and I am praying that he stops. He attacks those that are strong for him.
love you dear friend
wish I could bring you a diet coke, something gummy and guacamole

Peyton said...

Courtney Ann Cassada, give yourself a break!! You are the greatest mom ever and the perfect mom for your kids. Honestly, you would never let one of your friends be as hard on themselves as you are on yourself.

Ps. Is your middle name Ann, it is isn't it?

Lana said...

OK, I've been lurking for a while, but, I just have to say: Every good, conscientious Mom feels like a failure, sometimes. (Real-slacker moms would never recognize their shortcomings, let alone admit them!)Also, about water in the ears, I have a 10 y.o. who has major problems with that. We buy the "ear putty" plugs @ Target & they work like a dream! You probably already know about that, but thought I'd put it out there, anyway. Blessings!

Katy said...

what's with all this failure talk? it's a LIE - stop letting Satan win by putting that in print. it's just that you're not PERFECT - which is true for all of us! you are the perfect mom for those 4 kids and their faces and actions speak to that truth! hope your migraine is staying FAR you!