as i i try to go way back in my memory files of my mind and heart and remember my first memories of my mom...
she was there.
that's what the memories exude.
{that's why i picked this picture...she LIVES life with me.}
she is in SO many memories of my life because she devoted her life to us.
we weren't way down on her priority list.
she poured her love and life into us.
she lived out her love for God and my dad.
she didn't preach it to me (well, maybe she did, but i don't remember that!)...she LIVED it and that's what i remember.
she was an amazing example to me...her daughter...of how to be Godly wife and mom.
i always knew i had the best mom.
i always loved her.
but, now that i am a wife and mom, i appreciate who she is in an even deeper way.
i appreciate how she let me go as i grew (how HARD that must be!)
i appreciate how she keeps her mouth shut as i fail and learn from my mistakes as a wife and mom.
i appreciate how she is there to encourage and support me when i do.
a mom is a powerful thing.
it can cause the deepest hurts and greatest joys and biggest fears.
we have a HUGE resposibility as moms.
to use that power as God intended.
my mom did.
i pray that i do and will.
thank you, mom, for all that you have been and all that you are.
i love you.
and thank you to pat's mom for loving him so well.
and to the many "older" mom's in my life that i am privileged to watch and learn from.
and to the many moms in my life that are walking beside me in this thing.
and to the younger moms in my life that remind me that every moment passes so quickly.
happy mother's day.
1 comment:
Ahhhhh, Courtney made me cry. Thanks for this wonderful note. Oh how I LOVE being a mom and to YOU. As I say, you have paved the way to me being a mom and you continue to! I am so proud of YOU and the mom you are. It IS the most rewarding things we ladies will do....and the most challenging. I love you. Happy Mother's Day!
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