i won't hold you in suspense.
we made $4000 today!
isn't that AMAZING?!?
that is HUGE!
but that is not the biggest part to me.
it was the conversations.
and stories.
and servants' hearts of SO many people.
the hours spent baking yummy treats.
and sorting clothes.
SUCH graciousness and love poured out today.
THAT was the huge part!
got up to a forecast that said 100% rain at 7 am.
so we waited a bit to set everything up.
and then, when the clouds seemed ok we just decided to go ahead and set everything up.
hannah arriving! with tulips and a diet coke and a smile :-)
we made our first sale before everything was set up.
a baseball bat (see how the sun was even shining?!?)
unloading more stuff to sell!
and the clouds got darker...
and the wind picked up...
these guys unloaded TONS of stuff from our house!
hard workers.
thankfully some of them went home and got tarps.
and we covered stuff when it rained.
for about 5 minutes.
and then it was over!
it didn't stop any shoppers.
even cute 6 year olds buying gatorade's with their own money :-)
and it certainly didn't wipe the smile off MY face!
i never looked up from my spot at the table.
but thankfully my sister took my camera and took a lot of these great pictures!
we caused a traffic jam!
just LOOK at all those people!
it was like that nonstop from 7 am til about 1 pm!
and this cute girl used to work at the agency we are using for our adoption!
we had so many neat conversations with people throughout the day!
i have no idea what we were talking about.
my dad.
this picture is perfect because it's how he works.
right next to me.
ready to serve and do whatever is needed.
holly :-)
the grandma's!
look at that sun shining!
thanks for your prayers!!!
my sister in law and her mom and my nephew even came out!
joshua bought this chair thing for himself.
he loves it!
this is AMAZING!
{it's around 11 am...i've been standing in this spot since 7 am...}
love him.
{made my shirt yesterday afternoon. went into my closet at 2:10 pm and grabbed a shirt off a hangar. ran down to the basement and sewed on an africa and a heart. left at 2:23 pm to go pick up the kids from school :-)}
we love you, evan!
LOVE this picture!!!!!!!!!
we had some signs around...with facts about Rwanda and it's children.
about 11 am we realized there was still a LOT of stuff.
so at noon we put up a big sign "fill a trash bag for $10"
it was a HUGE hit!
and got rid of a LOT of the random, little stuff.
about 1:00 the crowd was very thin.
we started bagging/boxing the rest of the stuff up.
i really didn't know how the whole clean up afterwards was going to go.
but, thanks to the MANY hands we had to help, we separated some stuff to sell at the kids' consignment sale in the fall. and put the rest of the stuff in a pile for the donation truck to pick up at 2 pm!
look at my garage!
and we were SO excited when this truck showed up!!!
a little joy ride...
and then we headed inside to sit.
and grab a drink.
and add up the total.
pat made us all guess before he told us the total.
no one guessed over $2000.
and then we got to add a little more!
the candland kids had a lemonade stand around the corner and gave some of their earnings to our sweet boys!
it was such an amazing day.
so many people gave so so much and thank you just doesn't seem to be enough.
we just pray you all feel as blessed and encouraged as we do.
to God be the Glory.
i had to wait up to hear all about today because I just couldn't stop thinking about you all day long!!! SOOO excited for you guys and for what today meant to your family. Beyond the awesome money that you raised, look at how many people are behind you and supporting you on this journey! It's AWESOME!!! I LOVE the family picture underneath the sign - it's the BEST! and i LOVE the picture of you and Pat together. But my favorite (i'm biased i know) is the one of you at the very end. looking SO happy. So at peace. So relieved it's over (a bit, i'm sure!). Like a mom who loves two little boys an awful lot! i love you! REJOICING with you today!
wow Courtney!!! i couldn't wait to see this post today! what an amazing day and you're right, to God be the glory! i just love seeing all the support around you. those little boys have no idea how loved they really are already!!! and the picture of you at the end says it all...you look SO happy and you should be! what a day you will never forget! Praise the Lord!!!
By the way I told Pat at Chipotle that I thought you guys would make at least $3500 so it seems like I won the pool!! So glad it was a huge success!
WOW!!! I am so excited and more than that feel so privileged to have even been a small part of this amazing day! Thank you for letting us share in your journey. All your hard work has paid off. God is so amazing...and now you can crash...for a very long time!!! love you my friend. it was so fun to see you so many times this week. :)
Whoa. Whoa.
Such great news that you had such a TERRIFIC day! Lots of heart, sweat and dollars put towards bringing your boys home! I'm so glad that it went so well!!
Praise the Lord!!!
OH Courtney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is absolutely amazing.
Your story has been the highlight of my weekend.
You look absolutely GORGEOUS---LOVE the pictures of you in action.
Love all of the people who love and support you so well...INCREDIBLE.
Love how God is working in this---how much He loves you and us and these little boys---we can never be reminded of that enough---I can NEVER be reminded of that enough!!!! its AMAZING!!!
I love you!!!
Great job girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
God is SO GOOD!
loved all the pics and all the little details.
happy mother's day courtney...
AWEsome. It has been so great to watch this from afar. What an awesome 'story'.
I cant wait till you can tell it to your boys.
Matt guessed $2000 while I was reading your blog tonight. I got to answer, "Double it!" To God be all glory and honor and praise. Think that you'll get to show your boys those beautiful pics one day. And I love your shirt...I'd buy it off of your back, unless you want to make a few more.
AMAZING!!! Our God is an amazing God and I for one am so thankful I serve a living God. Would have loved to have seen for myself the unfolding of this yard sale but Christine so kindly filled us in today. You've been in our prayers and it's nice to see one phase answered so generously. Can't wait to see more answered prayers!
love your face. love your smile. love your shirt(!). and most of all, love this news and hearing about this day. Amazing. you are glowing, my friend and I love to see that. xo
Wow, I just got a little choked up reading this. What a great blessing! Congrats!
This is so awesome!!! I am so glad it turned out so well!!!
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