i just have to say something...there were 10 kids at all times...yet it didn't feel like it was 10 kids ever! the Goetz' children are so well-behaved and such sweet kids. it was a joy to all be together!
{and before you think their kids are all perfect...they have some "tough" ones just like us all...they are just AMAZINGLY obedient parents to the way God has called us to parent our children...and it showed!}
can you tell i loved watching joshua this week?
it was so fun to see him ENJOY every bit of it!
monday was forecasted to be cold and rainy....so we didn't want to commit to a long hike.
we did a shorter one...and the weather was really cooperating!
we hiked out to this overlook...amazing!
this was sawyer's expression the whole time...so cute :-)
our whole gang!
this was the only picture we got of the 2 of us.
kinda sad...because it was such a sweet few days together.
since the weather was surprisingly nice...we decided to go on another little hike right after the first one {the original plan was to go swimming at the indoor pool...the kids all had their bathing suits on under their hiking clothes!}
we came upon this bridge over these waterfalls!
and some were still frozen {not sure if you can tell...}
we stayed on this bridge for a LONG time.
the kids threw the snow off the bridge into the rushing water below.
it was just so nice to be able to just stop and have no time restraints.
to just let the kids play for 30 minutes on a random bridge!
jason with his oldest and youngest {his oldest is 9 years old...his youngest is 13 months old}
maggie...she is 1 month older than joshua...and they are ADORABLE together!
we're already talking "arranged marriage" here! :-)
SO content and LOVING this!
we hiked a little furthur and stopped for a snack.
then headed back to go swimming!
it's been in the mid80s here all week so it's crazy to see these pictures of the VERY cold weather - but it looks like perfect hiking weather. and you saw some amazing things!!!
I love all of these pictures and hearing about your trip---awesome!!!
Loved the pictures of YOU!!!! :)
So glad you guys had an awesome trip and the chance to build a stronger relationswhip with such an awesome family! I was really struck in the photo of Sawyer on Pat's back at how much they look alike...I think it must be their eyes in that picture.
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