sweet how the goetz and cassada kids all sat in the same row alternating families.
love to see their friendships bloom.
home to enjoy the day together.
celebrating what today is.
the day we celebrate Him rising from the dead.
He's alive!
the tomb is empty.
those words can become meaningless..."we" hear them so much.
but today we let them sink in...deep...and we try to understand the magnitude of what they mean.
i don't think we ever will.
but at different points in our walks and lives we get it at different levels.
because we NEED it.
we NEED Him to rise.
we NEED the tomb to be empty.
we NEED His grace.
it's not about easter eggs and candy and egg hunts and matching dresses.
it's about a Savior that left His throne and came to Earth to live here {you know how much WE yearn for Heaven some days?? when this Earth is just too awful?? can you imagine how He felt? He KNEW what Heaven was like!!} and then die here...a brutal, ugly death.
and the story doesn't end there.
the end is so huge.
and He's still alive today.
i know Him
and can feel Him.
i pray you do too.
if not, seek Him out.
ask someone.
or pick up a Bible and start reading in the book of John.
we came home from church and had a little Easter egg hunt.
and a nice brunch together.
and opened little gifts from the grandparents.
and later we rode bikes to a playground.
and had a nice dinner together.
but the day was really about Him.
celebrating Him.
His death and LIFE.
asking questions about it to our kids.
reiterating the answers.
hearing it from their perspective.
and teaching them the truth.
Happy Easter!
He is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!!!!! Loved talking with you earlier ~ loved it. Your day sounded wonderful. Sawyer is so big getting those Easter eggs! Rest good. Here comes Monday!
Happy Easter! Sounds like a great family day.
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