Wednesday, April 7, 2010


shoot me in the head.

2 days of a sweet little boy with a 104.5 fever.
not fun.
for me OR him OR anyone else in this house!

even when his fever comes down from the tylenol, his eyes are still so sad looking.

took him to the dr this morning.
"just a virus..."

he still had some of his beautiful smiles every now and then...

hoping he'll be back to normal soon.

i don't sleep well when any of my kids is sick.
but i hardly slept at ALL last night knowing he had a high fever...

this is QUITE the test to my "be more patient" goal...


Ali said...

oh, that is so high. poor little guy. Last week Mason had a random "virus" with a high fever too. Hope he feels better tomorrow and you can get some rest.

Abi said...

I hope he's feeling better soon. We've had a few of those with Joshua and I found that alternating between tylenol and motrin limited the hard times when the fever would shoot up.

Michelle said...

Awww sweet boy I hope he's feeling better soon. Try motrin it lasts longer than tylenol.

Megan said...

Oh! So sorry you have a sick boy...and such a high temp for the little guy. Pryaing the fever will break and he'll bounce right back to his normal self.

Julie said...

that is so hard, so sorry he is so sick... praying for you today as you have hardly any sleep and trying to help your kiddos get through the day!

Janet said...

oh boy! :) i hope he's feeling better soon!