it's hard to find words, really.
it has been the sweetest, purest week that i can remember.
i hope to never forget the freedom and love from Him that i have felt.
i think i have had a taste of what people feel that come to know God later in life.
i've always wondered...
multiple times in the last week i have looked down at my lap (usually while i'm driving) and my hand has been like this.
over and over and over i am opening my hand and giving Him my cares...
and He takes them!
i have had an excitement and energy that can only be from Him.
it's pretty exhilarating.
but the funny thing is that if you watched my life this past week and then compared it to the week before, it really wouldn't have looked much different from the outside.
yet it felt so different on the inside.
so very different.
and, as i've had one of the best weeks of my life...
i've watched and prayed a dear friend through the worst week of her life.
it's been gut-wrenching and hard.
yet full of God's love and mercy and grace.
as only she can demonstrate.
and it has struck me.
once again.
this God i serve is SO so huge.
He has met me in such a "high" place in my walk with Him...and He's been there completely...rejoicing with me...filling me up.
and AT THE SAME TIME He has been with my friend.
when she has had no words.
and has no idea what the next step is.
He's been there for her completely, too.
telling her over and over that He is holding her...and loving her...and His grace is enough.
even when she isn't sure she believes it.
the same God has been EVERYTHING to both of us.
and, if you don't know this God?
you need to.
there is nothing that compares to Him.
thank you for sharing Courtney. that is right where i'm at. i have been holding onto some very heavy burdens over people i love so much. a couple of weeks ago, God really reminded me that i was not designed to carry these burdens. they are His. His yoke is easy and light! (Matthew 11:28-30 28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.") as i have given them up, and believe me it is a daily and sometimes hourly struggle, my heart is lighter and my energy is being replenished. He is renewing my strength! thank you for your sweet encouragement! yes, can't even imagine life without Jesus.
Beautiful. Thank you.
He is doing such a work in you. Thanks for sharing.
Oh yes Courtney ~ God IS HUGE ~ powerful, compassionate, majestic, loving, wise, just. He sent HIS Son to die for us. He fills us up when nothing else can. He has a plan for each of us ~ to KNOW Him. I love where you are ~ I thank God for working in your life. Life on this earth is hard, but He walks with us moment by moment to reveal Himself so we can reveal Him to others. I am thankful your heart is at peace, as only God can do, really do. Thanks for sharing. I love hearing your heart and what God is doing. Him. I shall too. I love you!!!!!
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