Saturday, September 26, 2009

runner's high!

i love running.
but it's been awhile since i've had that "runner's high!"

one of the ladies i run with is training for the NYC marathon.
we do long runs on saturdays and split up so that some of us run the first half with her and some run the second half {she's up to 21 miles this week!}

anyways...i thought we {the second half group} were going to run 10 miles this morning.

we ran 14!
{it wasn't really intentional...kind of ran to a point and had to get back home and it just took 14 miles}
***i have to make a correction. my garmin (the think that tracks my mileage) was doing something weird and i messed with it and ended up having to just estimate the distance of the end of the run and the more i think about it...i think it was closer to 13 miles. sad. NOT the longest i've ever run. but still a good run!

and i have a serious runner's high right now.



Annie said...

You all rock--did you tackle that hill and keep going? THANK YOU for all your help and support. I look forward to pushing a baby jogger sometime next year with your new precious cargo inside!!!

Leah said...

Yes, it's amazing! I'm so proud of you!! Good job Courtney.

jenn said...


beckley said...

make your garmin chase you for the rest of the day. see what your kids can tack on :)

Katy said...

that's incredible!!! so do you STILL have no desire to train for a full? what a great idea for your group to split her run with her - NYC would be SO fun! it's a lottery system to get in. did she get in on her first try? kelli is going to do VEGAS in December!!! Amazing!

Karen Owens said...

First -- I'm totally jealous that you can run even 13 miles -- I think I might be able to pull off one or two!

Second -- Adoption? How cool is that -- I'm very happy for you!

Third -- Thanks so much for that cute little block! Very cute and brought a smile to my face.

I read everyday -- just don't comment much!

Thanks for your prayers for our family.

Ali said...

oh. that's it. I am no longer reading this blog. you can't trust it ;)
good grief, 13 or 14 miles is incredible enough for me.