Sunday, June 21, 2009

happy father's day, dad!!

i know a lot of you think you have the best dad.
but i do.
i couldn't ask for a more loving, humble, wise, generous, patient man to call "dad."
i am so blessed.
and i don't say any of those words flippantly...i mean every single one in the deepest way.
my mom did a fun post with some old pictures...and if you look at it...make sure to read my dad's amazing comments in the "comments"!

i love you, dad!


beckley said...

plus, he gave you THOSE LEGS- i mean, how can we compete with that?!

you're a lucky girl, Courtney. He sounds like a most wonderful Dad.


Katy said...

He is so great - I've been priviledged to know him through you for all these years. I'll never forget his face when you walked down the stairs of your house wearing your mom's wedding dress. priceless.


What a blessing!