Tuesday, December 23, 2008

switching gears...

*bailey had a slight fever Sunday and Monday and didn't look herself...and threw up in the night last night.
*joshua and sawyer have had colds for a few days.
*joshua was going downhill FAST today...and started crying this afternoon because his ear hurts.
*pat is at Urgent Care right now getting that checked out. (we were going to go out to eat to the chinese restaurant down the street...but the girls and i ate cheese and crackers on the couch and we are watching Home Alone since Pat and Joshua are gone.)
*we were supposed to have my whole family over Christmas Day for dinner. (spent most of the day grocery shopping for LOTS of yummy food for it!)
*my mom has been pretty sick and so to avoid sharing our germs with each other, we had to cancel the whole thing. sad! (well, hopefully just postpone - we will celebrate Christmas with them, just not on Christmas day!)

so, we're switching gears around here.
seems like this is the "new norm" - remember last year??
i'm fighting the "perfect" Christmas i had in my head.
and trying to go with reality.
and embrace and enjoy every moment for what it is.

and trying to remember what the whole point is anyways,
NONE of the above changes the fact that God sent his Son as a baby to live a perfect life here on Earth and then die on a Cross for my sins so that i can be redeemed and live forever with Him.

and we are celebrating that.

no matter what the celebration might look like (tons of family around the table on Christmas night....or just our sweet little *i guess some might say big :-)* family eating leftovers from our big breakfast for dinner) it's still a celebration.

and i am so very humbled by His grace and goodness and mercy. even today. especially today.

Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

Beckysblog said...

Um, wow. Go read my blog!
We should get together.