Monday, December 22, 2008

5 months

sawyer is 5 months old today.
how does that happen?
not that much new this month.
*he still loves the exersaucer/walker.
*he is still very smiley.
*still sleeps well.
*able to grab things and WANTS to grab everything.
*doesn't like to suck his pacifier anymore, but likes to chew on it. that's fine with me.
*can roll from stomach to back, but not the other way. which ends up being very frustrating at naptime.
and, just one thing i don't want to forget about him these days:
i always nurse him around 10 pm, before i go to bed. i get him from his bed, grab a diaper and go to my bed to sit and nurse him. sometimes pat and i talk. sometimes i read (and pat is asleep). after i nurse him on one side, i change his diaper. he SCREAMS his head off for the 3 minutes it takes to change his diaper. then, as soon as his sleeper is zipped up and i put my hands on his belly to lift him up, he stops and he's all smiles. then he eats on the other side. and always has one last smile for me before i put him in his bed.

1 comment:

Julie said...

that is such a great picture....