Saturday, November 22, 2008

4 months

sawyer is 4 months old today.
(i just realized it when someone asked me how old he is...i had to go in his room AFTER we put him to bed to take a picture of him on his "4 month birthday!")
definitely hard to remember life without him.
he's so sweet.
he sleeps well (through the night!)
he ALWAYS sleeps in this corner of his crib. no matter where we lay him, he scoots to this corner.
see the pool of drool on his sheet? i have to change it everyday. it's so gross.
he smiles a lot.
he laughs...but most often for rebekah.
he's quickly growing out of 3-6 month clothes!
he has just started recognizing me...and will acknowledge that i'm not holding him, but he doesn't freak out...yet. it kind of makes me feel good, but it will be hard when it really sets in.
he is really grabbing things and it's so cute to see his look of intense concentration.
he likes the bath.
he likes the swing.
he's starting to be more interactive with us...which is fun..except when i don't have time to be interactive. :-)
he LOVES the walker/exersaucer.
he loves his siblings.
we love him so very much.


Beckysblog said...

He looks so cute sleeping in there. And I have to change Tess's sheet about everyday too. Lots of drool and possibly snot! Gross.

jenn said...

Happy 4 Months, Sawyer!! We love you and can't wait to see you in a couple weeks :) Oh - and Courtney, that drool puddle looks VERY familiar - I STILL have to clean sheets every day! EW!

Alden and Dorian said...

Happy 4 month birthday, sweet grandson! Oh you sure are precious to us. Love, Grandma

Katy said...

it's so funny about him liking that CORNER so much!!! I can't believe you change his sheet every day...for drool? MAN! You are on the ball!