Sunday, June 29, 2008

what do we need??

this is tacky and probably against all "proper" etiquette...but people have been asking what we "need" for this baby.

nothing, really.

BUT...things we can use are: diapers, gift cards to babies r us or target (for little things like pacifiers - this baby IS going to take one - none of our other kids would!, a couple new crib sheets - all of ours are 7 years old and either have stains or holes - would just be nice to have a couple new ones), and if we have a boy - we'll need clothes (joshua was born in Feb so all our 0-3 month clothes are for cold weather!)

sorry if this is the rudest post ever. but i like to know what people really want so, there you go.


Tisha said...

I don't think it's rude at all! It's good to know exactly what you need. Especially when this is your 4th baby, people don't always know what you already have or what needs to be replaced. And your blog is THE easiest way to communicate to everyone at once!

Leighann said...

this is perfect. like tisha said, people want to buy what you need, not duplicates. thanks for the list!