this little boy came into the world like so few do...born ON his due date (not very common), labor started with my water breaking (not very common), and was born 3 hours later with hardly any pain. his 2 sisters made a much harder entrance into the world...and their births really do show their personalities in a way. the girls are so much more high-maintenance than this little boy.
i remember having him home the first 2 weeks and just staring at him and thinking, "THIS is what people were talking about when they talk about 'sweet newborns'" Rebekah didn't show me that "sweetness" for a moment. he would actually sit in the swing and NOT CRY! he would sleep for more than 15 minutes. he was such an easy baby. and he's continued to be such a laid-back, truly SWEET boy.
he has a very sensitive heart. and with 2 sisters, one of my biggest prayers is that we can shape him into the man God intends him to be. i definitely went through a time after having him of being do i raise a MAN!? it seemed way more responsibility than the girls. i've given that over to God.
this little boy has the best smile, the BEST laugh, the sweetest hugs and the biggest heart. just yesterday, he spent all afternoon (he could tell i didn't feel good) asking me how he could be "my biggest helper." he went from cleaning up toys - including the ones bailey got out - to helping me with most of dinner.
he has finally started to exert his opinion some this year. sometimes taking me by complete surprise. and sometimes requires discipline for it. but, i admit, there is a part inside me silently cheering, "yes, you go, Joshua! don't let ___ do that to you!"
it has been such a joy to watch him understand the Bible and God and God's ways in a whole new light this year. his questions are priceless (as you all know) and i love the simplicity of his faith.
this little boy is a joy to have around me all day long.
i am so thankful for every moment God has given us with him. i pray that he will continue to seek after God, that he will strive to understand His ways, that he will love others with such tenderness, and that i would be a mom that would cultivate who HE is and not try to make him who I want him to be.
“A little boy is the only thing God can use to make a man.”
happy birthday, my sweet boy, i love you.
Wow! Happy birthday Joshua! Hope you have a great day. You mom sure does love you lots to write such beautiful things about you. You are so special.
what wonderful words you have written about him! I was reading them through tears...they are so sweet. enjoy his special day! love the donut cake...that would be such a hit at our house...i may "borrow" the idea when birthdays roll around here!!
Thanks for sharing Courtney, I love having boys and the best thing about having them is praying that they turn out just like their daddy, but even better if that is possible. I pray daily that they will be able to bless the life of some wonderful girl the way their daddy has blessed mine. The pictures of Joshua are so precious and priceless!
Happy Birthday Joshua! Courtney I love the donut cake. So cute.
Hope you guys are doing well.
wow. how can this precious boy be four years old already?! i swear he was just born!! happy birthday, joshua! we love you so much!!! :)
So wonderful! Happy Birthday Joshua!! We love you and send BIG hugs and kisses. What an amazing little man he really is!!
That post just makes me want to kiss all over him!!!!!
I didn't get one of those so I read in awe (the boy or the calm baby!)
What an amazingly sweet, strong little man he is...much like his daddy and also your dad and his namesake. How THANKFUL we are that God gave him to your family - and to us to love and celebrate. Happy birthday Joshua! We love you!!!
Happy Birthday Joshua! (One day late, cause that's just how I roll.....)
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