Monday, August 20, 2007


my time in kentucky was wonderful. i had very low expectations of how the kids would do - in the car and while we were there. they completely blew my expectations out of the water and did GREAT with EVERYTHING...being in the car, being in a new place, sleeping in a new place, etc.

Kelly has 5 children - the oldest is in 6th grade and the youngest is 3.
Meridith has 2 children - ages 4 and 3
and then my 3.

you'd think we would have had NO time to do anything except take care of the kids (this was what i expected) but we had SO much WONDERFUL conversation, really, deep stuff. it was awesome. i'm missing it. and, as always, being around Kelly pushes me to be a better mom, wife, etc. She truly does everything with excellence. what a blessing to have had that time.

"big" Caroline (Kelly's oldest), my 3, and "little" Caroline

Mary Scott and their cat, Peanut...

the frog Rebekah found at the pool


Mary Scott reading to Bailey

Eli and Joshua - they are the same age - born weeks apart

Kelly, Meridith and me

Kelly and I

Joshua and Eli in the bath - see why Joshua needs a brother??? :-)


Debbie said...

great great pics...Kelly looks wonderful....tell her I said hello.She has always been one of my favorite favorite people.

Debbie said...

I forgot to ask, but where are pics of Luke and Zan...and Kelly's art studio????

Katy said...

Oh man - what fun you had, I know!! And you look so thin in those pictures!!! And in a few of them, you really reminded me of Hannah for some reason!! I'm so glad it was such an AWESOME trip!!!