Monday, August 20, 2007

i want to go back to bed

it's only 9:11 am. i ran almost 5 miles and then went to the dentist. i had a cavity filled a couple weeks ago and that tooth had REALLY been bothering me (taking Advil around the clock). so i went in to get it checked out. i have to get a root canal. please! rush home so pat can get to work. joshua "lost" a ball behind the couch so i pull it out to get it and the leg falls off the couch. it's going to be one of those days. and i'm tired and don't have a car and it's rainy. i just want to go back to bed.


Debbie said...

Oh no, on all accounts! Don't be afraid of the root canal...I had one a long time ago when a filling fell out...if you get a good endodontist and take an Ipod it's a somewhat lengthy process, but it isn't traumatic at all...

Katy said...

WOW - don't know anything about root canals except for what you hear about. Sounds like we're both having an "off" day - I just put my post up about the same thing. It would be funny if we weren't tired, right? Hang in there!!!