Sunday, September 1, 2013

my stomach

not that anyone else cares, but i have to document this for myself...and maybe someone else is in the same boat and can learn from my journey??

over the years, i can narrow down my stomach issues to 2 different types of "attacks".
1. excruciating pain in my stomach that, once it starts, continues to get worse, and i end up in the fetal position on the couch or my bed for the rest of the day. once i go to bed, i know it will be completely gone by the time i wake up.
2. very unsettled stomach immediately after i eat food (could be a bite of a bagel or a huge salad.) quickly turns to my body getting rid of EVERYthing in my stomach in a not so pretty manner (sorry...). but once it's all out, i feel fine.

the first is caused by foods that my body doesn't like. if i eliminate those foods, i never have that pain. that's what paleo has done for me...and it's so nice to not deal with that pain anymore!

the second is caused by stress. i dealt with it a lot in college. after we brought lincoln and levi home. i can't control it and it's NO fun. i was hoping that maybe, just maybe, paleo would eliminate that, too. but yesterday, immediately after we ate lunch at union station, the unsettled stomach started and i had to leave pat on a sidewalk in dc with all the kids for awhile so that i could get rid of everything in my body. ugh. no fun. there were a couple other factors that morning that didn't help (i ran 12 miles HARD, hardly ate breakfast because we were hurrying, so then i inHALED my lunch) but it was the first time i had it happen while eating paleo and it was just interesting to me that it did. now if i could just eliminate stress - ha!

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