Tuesday, February 26, 2013

THE books!!

i ordered our blog books for 2012...and got them ON valentine's day! it was such a fun day to get them!

pat and i looked through one of them that night. (there are 2. they are huge. and long. and amazing.)

i have looked through them more already than i EVER looked at 2011. the past year's blog books stay on the coffee table. the kids look at them all.the.time. (and i try to not freak out. because they are basically one of my most prized possessions, but i want them to be able to look at them!) even though 2011's books have been on the coffee table for a year or so, i've never looked through them. ever. it was such a hard year, and i am not ready to re-live it. but i AM glad i have those books and one day i will go through them.

i used to use blurb...but they are WAY too time consuming. i just don't have the time.

so, for the last few years i've used blog2print. it's pretty much the same price as blurb. and takes about 5 minutes start to finish. yes, please!

what a gift. to have books that document our lives AND my thoughts as we go.


Courtney said...

do you like blog2print's results as much as blurb? i'm SO behind on printing, but the thought of the time consumption of Blurb makes me continue procrastinating. I've REALLY got to get on it & print out my books (and catch up on blogging too!) :)

Amy said...

Hmm... I think I need to know more about this. I haven't even thought about starting my 2012 books! My kids just had out all my books from 2009-2011 the other day. You're right... they are priceless! But so time consuming. How do the two compare?

Judy said...

Yes, I order blog2print too, and got my 2012 book the other day. Now, I just need to take my photos that I have on line on Snapfish and but them in book form (scrappbooking).

Katy said...

I'm glad I converted you!!! So much easier right? I had to do 3 books the last two years bc my photos exceeded the limit!!! I love them just got mine about two weeks ago but havent looked thru them yet. Love them!!! Such a treasure!

Katy said...

I'm glad I converted you!!! So much easier right? I had to do 3 books the last two years bc my photos exceeded the limit!!! I love them just got mine about two weeks ago but havent looked thru them yet. Love them!!! Such a treasure!

Katy said...

I'm glad I converted you!!! So much easier right? I had to do 3 books the last two years bc my photos exceeded the limit!!! I love them just got mine about two weeks ago but havent looked thru them yet. Love them!!! Such a treasure!

Leighann said...

I need to look into blog2print.... i tried to do blurb a few years ago and it was taking way too much time so I haven't printed ANY year! talk about lame-sauce! 5 minutes seems doable. :)