Tuesday, August 21, 2012

our thankful books

remember our "i am thankful" project?
we kept on. brought it to the beach and everything.

got the pictures back a couple days ago. bought some cheap little photo albums, and made books!

i will say that this was a GREAT idea, we all enjoyed it, and i hope that our hearts are remembering to be more thankful. but it was NOT a cheap project (especially when you multiply everything by 6!)

i'll admit to a bit of doubt/regret as we finished the books, wondering "was it worth it?"

and then, when pat got home, HOURS later, they all went RUNNING to find their books to show him. they were so proud and excited. it meant something to them. so i'm claiming that it was worth it!


beckley said...

LOVE it. that's so great!

Courtney Cassada said...

Great idea mom. i am sorry i haven't commented in a while.