Tuesday, January 10, 2012

shoes and socks

i feel like this post is going to sound really dumb, but i know i LOVE reading how other people "do" things in their homes, so maybe someone will be thankful for this.

i've had these new systems in place for a few months. i didn't want to post them unless i actually LIKED them, which takes time.

i LOVE them both. BUT, i want to preface them by saying i did NOT feel the need to do these until i had 6 kids. and 3 of them 4 and under. and those 3 boys.

before this, everyone had a basket in their closet with their shoes. and their socks went in their own dresser. when we come in the house, our shoes come off. at the end of each day, they used to have to take their shoes UP to their closets and put them away. it worked just fine for 10 years.
but, i couldn't STAND the 6 pairs of shoes strewn all over the kitchen all day.
and, everytime i went somewhere, i went up and down the stairs a couple times to get the little boys' socks and shoes.

so, NOW we have a girls and a boys basket in the hall closet for shoes. we have 2 girls and 4 boys. and the boys basket still doesn't seem as full as the girls - funny :-) AND the girls even have a few other pairs in their closet - that they don't wear very often.

ALSO, we have a girls and a boys basket for socks on top of the dryer. (the laundry closet - it can NOT even be called a room. it's the tiniest thing EVER. is RIGHT next to the door that leads to the garage which is where we go in and out of the house.) AHHHH...AMAZING! when i fold the laundry, i just throw them in there!
now, when we are going to leave the house, i just grab the 3 little boys socks, lincoln can get and put his socks AND shoes on. sawyer can GET his shoes and i put his socks and shoes on. and levi? he can get his shoes, too, but they normally aren't HIS or the same 2 shoes (the dude LOVES shoes!) and i put his socks and shoes on. :-)

AND, when we come IN the house, everyone puts their shoes away and they are out of sight!! whoo-hoo!

it's kind of sad. but this has all totally changed my life. you're welcome.


Mommylove said...

I wish we had a closet big enough for that! Our house has plenty of room, but our coat closet is TINY! We do have a shoe organizer in the closet which helps, and I have a hanger over the inside of the door where I keep mittens/hats, etc, and I try to keep extra socks in there, too to have on hand (as I pick out their clothes at night and bring them downstairs, but when going out midafternoon it seems socks are always missing).

jenn said...

love the pic of levi by the closet :)

glad you found a way to make life a LITTLE easier!

we had to re-do how we do shoes too...too much running up and down the stairs - when we are ALREADY LATE!! :) it's working out great...hmmm, maybe i will have to post it one of these days :)

Kim Mattes said...

i liked your post. i like seeing how people "do" things in their home too. and i love levi sitting there looking absolutely adorable. i am waiting for your system for how the socks just magically sort and fold themselves. ;-)

Michelle said...

Love this idea, makes me crazy the shoes of just four kids, and somehow my 10 year old still can't make it to the bench we have for them to be stored...LOL...may have to try this for our garage and see if that is an improvement. Thanks for the tip, glad it's easier for you, sometimes its the little things.

Leighann said...

This is the best!!! Our coat closet is tea-niny, so shoes won't work, but the sock idea is genius. None of the kids like to wear socks in the house so they're always (or me) running upstairs when it's time to walk out the door. Socks on the dryer is is from now on!

Anonymous said...

Love seeing how others organize... and you do it so well. My kids learned at an early age to pin their socks together at the toe. (Their mom and dad still do.) Each of us had a container of safety pins in our bedroom. It made sorting socks soooooo much easier. It's an amazing time saver I heard about when Stace was a newborn. Just a thought...

Holly said...

little changes like this always change my life.

Megan said...

You're hilarious. So glad its working. When we moved here I had a crazy inspiration to have a "shoe bucket" for the kids's shoes and I have loved it. It is near the front door and they can all three get their own shoes and put them away. Great idea to share with all your readers!