Thursday, December 15, 2011


*right now is one of the ONLY times of the year that i really wish i had a double oven. or a bigger oven. my oven barely fits a 9 x 13 pan. which is normally fine. i hardly cook. but today? doubled the recipe for sugar cookies that i have (and the original recipe makes a LOT!) and it's going to take until midnight to cook them all! good thing i didn't plan on icing them today!

*ate 2 cake balls today from a fun gathering this morning. it's kind of sad how happy they made me - the friends AND the cake balls!

*i love my kids. a lot.

*GUESS WHAT IS HAPPENING TOMORROW?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! not going to tell. because it's more fun that way. but you could figure it out without too much digging... :-) makes my stomach flip (in a good way!) every time i think about it!

*bought my last christmas present this afternoon. done. whoo-hoo! i did most (like more than 75%) of my christmas shopping online this year. LOVED that!


jenn said...

oh man...i have to make the cookie dough sometime soon...and you're right -it makes a LOT!!

love you and all your randomness...

can't wait for tomorrow!! i know what it is!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!


Michelle said...

I know what's happening tomorrow! Have a wonderful time!!

Kim Mattes said...

oh i am with you on the oven thing! mine is small too. which like you said is normally fine. but i can only fit one cookie sheet (and a rather small one at that) in at a time and it is killing me this time of year. have fun tomorrow - i have no idea what it is. but i don't have any brain power left tonight to think. but whatever - have fun. oh wait, maybe i know. your mom is excited too. :)

beckley said...


no clue.

but i hope it's awesome =) that soon? I had no idea.

beckley said...


no clue.

but i hope it's awesome =) that soon? I had no idea.