Monday, December 12, 2011

one of the {many!} reasons i am NOT ready for Christmas

if by "ready" you mean: gifts bought, gifts wrapped, gifts mailed, cards sent.
none of that done.
i have moments of feeling anxious about that.
but mostly?

these are the sweetest, most joy-filled moments and they FAR outweigh those little moments of stress!


Beckysblog said...

Where is the train from? Like where did you purchase it?!

Courtney said...

I'm right there with you. I have gifts for everyone EXCEPT Stephen & Berkley...uhhh...not so good. But these days have been so full and wonderful lately. I'm just enjoying the moments! Glad you are too!

Katy said...

I give you full permission to send out in February if it means savoring these precious first Christmas moments with these boys. This is what we prayed for!!!!