Friday, October 17, 2014

best weekend

i'm not sure why it was SUCH a good weekend. it was pretty simple and the weather was dreary.

saturday we had NOTHING. not a thing.
i ran in the rain. we got some chores checked off. the boys got hair cuts (a star in joshua's hair! i wasn't a fan.) nothing spectacular. but not rushed and it just felt sweet.
sunday evening we had some friends over.
what is going on here?!?
we are going camping in a couple weekends and were doing a trial run on another it in the dutch oven with hot coals. (in the rain...that wasn't in the plan!)
it worked!! pineapple upside down cake.

i would usually enjoy this picture. a clean kitchen and just a cute sawyer in it. but this evening i was kinda sad. just a few minutes before, it had been FULL of dirty dishes and dear friends.
monday everyone had off work/school.
so we met friends at the farm. it was STILL raining. but we just got {really!} wet ;-)

we played freeze tag in the corn maze for a couple hours. then ate lunch and played some more.
friends. what a gift.
we went through the motions of going to the pumpkin patch. {but we buy our pumpkin at walmart for $4.88.}
that night i made a "haitian" dinner. chicken legs, fried plantains, mango, avocado and bread. and we showed the kids our pictures from our trip. it was a fun ending to a great weekend! and i definitely cried that night.

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