Friday, July 18, 2014


16th anniversary date. Topics: wills for when we die (we're both going to Haiti in a few months!!!), how to parent a teenager (we have a month to figure it out), and how to make sure we're never content with where we are in life. Just to name a few. Plus some yummy food, lots of laughing and a beautiful night. After summing that up, I'm not sure he's glad he married me, but he's stuck with me ;)
the next night, my parents took lincoln, sawyer and levi out to celebrate their birthdays. so pat and i had these 3 amazing kids! it was SO fun to just be with them (and a bit dangerous to see what life would be like...) it was so nice to have REAL conversations with them! they are so fun!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Ah, Zinga. At least you keep them in business.