Monday, April 21, 2014


i woke up alone in a quiet house. i had a few hours left (or so i thought.)

i went for a run. a long one, like usual. my typical saturday run is 10-12 miles. usually 12 unless i'm in a super time crunch.

i wanted to go longer. i was planning on 14 m iles (the weather was PERFECT. 50 degrees. no wind. perfection.)

i ended up running 15 miles at a 9:10 avg pace! the longest distance i've ever run (did it once least a year ago.) and i KNOW last time i did it i was slower...i remember it was HOT and i was dying.

walked in the door at 9:30 am. thought i had til 11 am or so before pat and the kids got home. they *surprised* me and got home at 9:35 am :-)

 i have to say that i was pretty proud of how i handled that. i wanted to throw a little fit. i had a whole list of things i was going to get done in that hour. but i did some serious mental coaching while i took a quick shower and was ready to enjoy them and leave the list behind.

we had a FUN day ahead!!!

they all showered, i started a load (one of MANY...) of laundry from their camping stuff...and we headed to DC to go to a Nationals game!
it was a GORGEOUS day.
we had awesome seats (that had been given to don't pass up tickets like that for a family of 8!)

this world of no babies and no one NEEDING naps is pretty nice!
{we let them use their own money to buy bought this great hat! levi doesn't really have much he could only afford that $2 hat...he wore it like a REAL hat the ENTIRE day. still is 2 days later. shhh...we got him a REAL hat for his birthday in june :-)}

love him SO much...

 we had a QUIET car on the way home ;-)

got home and had our new favorite dinner...grilled pizza's. everyone LOVES them! (sorry. it's sideways. oh well...)
EVERYone slept good that night!!!

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