Monday, July 22, 2013

i think he had a good day...

good morning, 5 year old :-)
off to tennis camp...
9 am - 1 pm all week. these 5. yes, i'm happy. (and they LOVED it!)
spent the afternoon at the pool...then home for his birthday dinner...

we gave him this rocket thing that you step on and the rocket shoots up in the air. it was a HIT!

and that rocket REALLY shot up in the air!

i love the facial expressions :-)

only bailey would wear a jacket outside in 90 degree weather...

happy birthday, sawyer!!


Alden and Dorian said...

What a GREAT day!!!!! LOVE all the kids jumping on the "launch" of the rocket!!!!! Great shots Courtney. :)

jenn said...

Happy Birthday to Sawyer! Jackson got that rocket thing for his birthday and it's a hit with all of them! :) And Bailey and Addie are kindred spirits - she never leaves the house without a cardigan! ;)