Thursday, June 6, 2013

what a week!

this last week of school has been quite a balancing act. LOTS of activities going on up at the school, but i'm going to be honest and say that my focus/priority has been on the 2 little boys in my home. their world is about to change a LOT and i wanted to soak up these last few mornings with them.

 i tried to be WITH them, engaged, as much as possible...
 and i spoiled them a bit, too :-) we had to get some gift cards at they got zinga for lunch!
 do you see why he kills me?!?
he still takes a nap almost every afternoon. he ALWAYS has quiet time. and there are weeks where he just plays, but lately, he sleeps. and i love watching him!

 he ALWAYS sleeps on the floor. i don't know why. but it's kind of cute!
 one day we got to go to 2 different one hour long awards ceremonies. honestly, it was kind of ridiculous. EVERY kid got an award. and even bailey said, "mom. the awards kind of aren't special when everyone gets one." exactly. but we went. and clapped. :-)

joshua getting his award...
 bailey getting her award...
sawyer and levi did great. actually, it was probably the highlight of levi's week...2 hours on my lap? he was in LOVE.
 we went to the pool one morning! we were the only ones there!! it was so fun and easy and relaxing. and i'm being SERIOUS!
 naptime that afternoon...(don't worry. this is the last nap picture. for this post.)
 this morning i SAT on the couch and watched a movie with sawyer and levi. it was so fun!! i've made very intentional choices this week to choose them over other things (phone calls, class parties, packing for the camping trip this weekend). hard choices, but they were my focus this week and i had to make some hard choices to KEEP them my focus. it's been a little hard...but good!
we popped up to the school to watch joshua's kickball game this morning...this was one of those hard choices. i could have played IN the game and had to be there the whole time and not watched the movie with sawyer and levi...or i could go and watch for a few minutes and still be able to have some good snuggle time on the couch.

joshua was having a blast. and playing the game like it was the world series of baseball! like father, like son. whew! (actually, i was proud of him. when he got some of the girls out, he'd run all the way to them and gently touch the ball to them, instead of nailing them in the head like some of the other kids were doing!)
30 minutes and they are home for 3 months! here we go, summer 2013!!!

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