Monday, June 17, 2013

first weekend of summer!

we kicked off summer with a bang this weekend! i have a LOT to post about. it's so refreshing to have so much going on in life that i have NO time to touch the computer. sadly, in our world, i now have a LOT to catch up on and feel slightly overwhelmed by my inbox, but it was worth it!

friday morning i knew i had a BIG day ahead of me. and pat mentioned that morning that he also needed me to help him drop off his car at the shop that afternoon AND he had a viewing to go to that evening.

i grocery shopped, cleaned, and got ready for the fogarty's to arrive that afternoon.

pat got home, we took his car, and bailey heard where pat was going next. "can I GO TOO?!? i LOVE dead people!" that girl. i'm not sure what that means for her...but pat was glad to have someone with him since i couldn't go.

the fogarty's arrived and we had a great evening catching up...they will be leaving to get their daughter in china this summer and we hope it's SOONER than later!

saturday morning i got up EARLY and ran. then headed to the kids swim meet (just time trials - not against another team this first one). i was a timer for the meet and my legs were NOT happy with me standing there for 3 hours after running 9 miles. oh well.
bailey was super nervous, but did great. rebekah swam EVERY event. i love that she wanted to do that. and joshua didn't really want to be there, but didn't say a word, i was thankful for that!

owen came with us (he was a trooper!)
 and ali and ej kept lincoln, sawyer and levi AND their 2 younger boys! they are brave! it was so kind of them.
we rushed home, changed and headed over to the young's for the rest of the day!
we ate lunch, and played outside for HOURS.

we stayed so long, the young's also fed us dinner!
these 2 are the cutest!
ali and ej had a wedding to go to, so we brought our kids and their kids home. rebekah and joshua had filled 100 water balloons a couple days earlier and were SO excited to have a water balloon fight. we did it as soon as we got home...

then we gave them all baths/showers and they all went to bed pretty was a LONG day! {we were in bed VERY shortly after!}

sunday morning, the fogarty's left right after breakfast. it was father's day AND levi's birthday and we all had a lot to celebrate!

they gave levi a gift and it was a great opportunity to get a picture with them all. i'm not sure it will ever happen again :-)

SAD i don't have a pic of ali and i...i almost always get one.

i know the kids had a blast. but my heart LOVED being with my friend that gets me and knows me and loves me anyways.


Alden and Dorian said...

Wonderful way to start your SUMMER!!!!!

Unknown said...

Looks delightful full. Not too rushed, but full of love.