Thursday, June 6, 2013

beginning and end

first and last day of school pictures.

he has changed a LOT! he is SUCH a handsome boy, isn't he?? my heart is feeling EXCITED about the GOOD that will come from him being HOME this summer. praise God for that excitement!! i KNOW it's from Him!
 bailey. she was sad this morning. she LOVES school and LOVES her teacher. she is going to miss it all...and i love that!
 i clearly didn't pick out his last day of school outfit - ha! that kid...he has a SUPER fun day ahead and i love to see him excited.
 and her. such beauty. she is SUCH a blessing to us...and all those around her! i can't wait to tell you what she is doing at school today. but it's a surprise right now... she is amazing.
 the end of another school year. these kids. they challenge me beyond anything i ever would have thought i could do or handle. they also bless me beyond anything i even begin to deserve. i love being a mom and watching them grow up right before my eyes. what a blessing...


Alden and Dorian said...

Precious. Precious. Precious. I love how you put up the first and last day of school pics. Growth is so obvious. Welcome Summer 2013!!!!! And I always say "Parenting is the GREATEST JOY and the GREATEST CHALLENGE"!!!! God's blessings to you all as you enter SUMMER!

Ali said...

Oh I thought you had one more day. I guess I misunderstood Lincoln's post yesterday. Ugh!
Welcome Summer! Congratulations to your gorgeous kiddos.

Unknown said...

I love these pictures!