Wednesday, June 12, 2013

2 years ago today...

we left behind one son, 
 to fly halfway around the world and bring 2 more sons home.

i apologize in advance. the next 3 weeks we remember a few special days (meeting lincoln and levi and arriving home to sawyer and finally becoming a family of 8! and might be a little emotional ;-)

we can never thank my sister enough for helping us make it happen.

a journey that continues to change us all in ways we never could have imagined...


Ali said...

I remember like it was yesterday. So does my stomach ;)

Alden and Dorian said...

Oh yes, I remember that day....detail by detail as you left and just like stomach does too! 2 years. AND...the bottom line...those 2 boys have a family ~ and are learning about God who made them and has a plan for them. Love walking this road with you guys.

Katy said...

Two years!!! Hard to believe. Feels like yesterday.....and yet looking at how faithful God has been and how much he has and is changing yhe lives and hearts of those two boys. Even with all yhe struggle and heartache, they have a family today and are learning about a God who has always loved them!!! Love you!!!