Monday, May 20, 2013

deep breaths...

the days are crazy.
lots of deep breaths.

i am still LOVING my little crossfit workouts. this was my "crossfit gym" the other day. i had to run 400 meters, and then do some deadlifts with 40 pounds. 5 rounds of that. sawyer was my 40 pounds. but levi was used for the picture. i wasn't about to trust him with my phone! :-) they ran around and played in the creek and we brought some tadpoles home from that workout!
gosh, i love her. and her outfits.
and a few minutes later i looked over and saw this. jamming to music, dusting the house. :-)
fun snack for friend friday :-) teddy grahams, melted chocolate, teeny marshmallows. it was good.
friend friday ended (another SPECIFIC prayer was answered. no time to go into it. but it was so cool.) i was not in the best mood. and it had nothing to do with the kids - my own stuff. rebekah headed off to church. pat got home and left again for shepherd group. and i looked at joshua. REALLY looked at him for the first time all day (almost 7 pm. awesome mom.) and said, "what is wrong with you? are you ok?" he just had a look. he said, "my legs hurt." i took his temp - 101.3. for joshua, this usually means he has strep. ugh. 7 pm on a friday? but the next day was football and seeing pat's family and i needed to know if he had strep or not! so, off to urgent care we went...
2 hours later. negative strep. no idea what was wrong with him. he still had a slight fever saturday. fine by sunday. ??? i was in bed by 9:30 pm on friday night. aren't i fun?
had a great time celebrating pat's mom's birthday on saturday evening! his mom with all her grandkids :-)

pat, his mom and his sister

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