Monday, April 15, 2013

a sweet day

i slept in (!!!) on saturday my nice, quiet house. then got in the car and drove 2 hours south. i had the windows down and the music up LOUD. it.was.awesome.

got to richmond and ate lunch with leah. oh, how i love her! we laughed so hard i thought she was going to go into labor. she is about to have her 3rd baby!! i treasured the time we had. 
then i headed to cindy's house to set up for ali's shower!!!
cindy and ali go to the same church. cindy and her husband adopted 2 little boys from ethiopia and we "just happened" to be in ethiopia at the SAME TIME...staying in the SAME HOUSE and got to meet 2 years ago!

 ali has 3 boys. with those 3 pregnancies, she was on bedrest for her showers and had to sit on the couch in her own home for them. this was FUN for her to be able to GO to a shower and move around!! :-)

they are adopting a little girl from china and should be traveling sometime later this summer. we can't WAIT to meet her!!!
God was SO gracious to answer our specific prayer that they get their LOA before the came THAT DAY!

the favors...
we spent some sweet time in prayer for their family...and enjoyed watching her open all the GIRLY stuff!!!
the food was YUMMY!
ali and i
cindy, ali, me and jenn
ali with her mom and ej's mom
THEN...after the shower, leah, ali, peyton and myself went out to dinner. it was so fun!!!
then i stayed the night with ali and drove home the next morning to be reunited with my family.

some of them were doing this:

and the others were doing this:
it was a great weekend for us all!

i was SAD that is was over...but it helped that we had the snyder's over for dinner sunday evening! friendship...what a gift!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

What fun! I am so sad I couldn't be with you at the shower!