Wednesday, March 6, 2013

snow day!!!

we've been waiting for a REAL snow day for 2 years!
we finally got one today. went to bed with DRY roads and woke up to snow. we were so certain we wouldn't have school, that i didn't get up to run OR set an alarm! it was SUCH a fun way to start the day.

lest you think we actually slept in, we were up, dressed, fed, all bundled up, shoveled the driveway and sidewalk, sledded up at the school, and back home DRENCHED from the wet snow by 9:30 am :-)
 we spent the rest of the day playing games...drinking hot chocolate...and just being. it was nice.
pat didn't even have to go in to work! (he did some work from home)
but, man, it was SO nice to spend a wednesday with him!
  pink cheeks from the WIND!

 waiting for it to cool off...

 bailey helped me paint a sidetable that we got a few weeks ago...i am LOVING how it's turning out!
 aren't her expressions hilarious?? those few minutes with her were definitely one of the highlights of my day!

 we ventured back out right before dinner. it was RAINING by then. and i didn't last long...but i did get a few pictures!

 the kids made a snowman...

it was a fun day.
i admit to being pretty on edge all day. and i don't think i fooled anyone, even though i tried to. but they still had a great day!


Ali said...

SO glad it was a good day. EJ was home too :)

Katy said...

What a fun bonus to have a family day in the middle of the week!! :)

Judy said...

Rebecca is just beautiful. I love hat picture of her.