Wednesday, February 27, 2013


just in case you are feeling like you've maybe been lame today...i'm going to make you feel AWESOME!

these were lincoln's valentines for his friends at school. squares of construction paper, "to:", "from:" and a heart drawn by mom. he wrote them ALL and did a great job! bailey's were similar. i bought joshua a box of valentines for $2 at walmart. lame-sauce. but no one seemed to notice and they loved valentine's day so i'm not dwelling on it!
AND...this might seem so nice and thoughtful, but i only put notes in their lunchboxes a few times a year. i tell myself it's because it's more special that way. really? it's because that's how often i remember. lame-sauce.


Courtney said...

this post made me laugh...because I'm now in love with the phrase "lame-sauce"!!! You're an awesome momma!

Katy said...

You crack me up. And I love how Lincoln writes his lower case "a's"!! :)