Wednesday, February 20, 2013


sometimes when we wake up in the morning...the day ahead seems so long. so overwhelming.

but, really, it's made up of one moment after another. after another.

i am trying HARD to be more in the moment. not to worry about tomorrow (or this afternoon). not to have my face in my computer, but have my face in them.

i caught this moment the other day. it was so sweet. and calm. and peaceful. i pray EVERY night that these are the moments my kids remember...not the one where their cranky mom finally lost it and screamed at them all to, "JUST BE QUIET!" or the one where the little boy screamed for 2 hours while they pretended to nicely watch a movie together as a family. we have some ugly moments around here. but we also have some great ones.

just yesterday i caught 2 moments and chose to just take them in and not run for my camera (still not sure how i feel about that decision? i sure would like a picture! but i LOVED taking it in.) ok. see? now i can't remember one of them. but the one i DO remember was when we were headed upstairs to take baths. they all race up and strip down and put their clothes in the hamper. by the time i finished cleaning up the kitchen from dinner, and walked up the stairs...i see at the top of the stairs a buck naked sawyer holding a nerf gun that's a long as his body and getting ready to shot. it was so stinkin' cute. you're just going to have to trust me :-)

i'm trying to wake up and be EXCITED about all the moments that will happen that day. and take them as they come. one at a time. (except sometimes it seems like 10 things happen in 1 moment...and that's when i get a teeny bit crazy...)

1 comment:

Tisha said...

As our kids have begun to get older and they talk about the memories they have of their childhood, it AMAZES me how much GOOD they recall and how little of the bad! It gives me such hope. I have no doubt your kids are remembering the same - good things - especially with as intentional as you are about doing lots of fun activities!