Friday, January 4, 2013

her owl and 2013 so far

don't you love my titles lately? so random and silly.

bailey brought this home from school yesterday. i LOVE it! she was all kinds of proud of it. 

{ps. this is what she wore to her first basketball practice of the season last night. ha! pat says she can't do that anymore... ???}
 so far, 2013 is doing it's best to knock me down. but it's not. it's definitely been inconvenient so far...but that's all i'm giving it. just inconvenient. in the 2 days of "real life" so far, we've had strep (rebekah), people coughing their heads off and eyes running off their faces (sawyer and levi), and a recurrence of lice (bailey). not fun stuff. but not awful either. pat graciously spent 3 hours at urgent care with rebekah AFTER a long day at work to get her diagnosed so that i didn't have to take sawyer and levi into the dr office the next morning. and she's on antibiotics and on the up and up and i got to spend 2 extra days with her!! sawyer and levi are definitely coughing less this they are on the up and up, too! and wanted to snuggle more (which at moments felt inconvenient, but mostly like a sweet blessing.) bailey's lice? i have no idea. i KNOW we did EVERYTHING to get rid of them. all i can figure is maybe she got it again from her classroom? (that's where she got it to begin with). i'm not freaking out as much as i would have thought. it's just inconvenient...i mean, who doesn't love spending hours picking through EVERY piece of hair on your child's head?!?
it's been a bit of a hard week...trying to get back into the "routine" with all that stuff that is NOT part of the normal routine :-) but...we are good! and hoping maybe next week could be a little more normal??


Amy said...

Lice, again?? Oh my word. That sounds like a nightmare to me right now. We still have a couple bags of stuffed animals and blankets that have never been opened. I kind of liked the lack of bedroom clutter.

Leighann said...

Ugh! Hoping next week is better.