Sunday, December 9, 2012

running with the stars 5k!!!

i co-coached a running program (running with the stars) at our elementary school this fall. the race was this morning! and, it RAINED the WHOLE time! but, we made an adventure out of it!

 at the start line...
 our WHOLE family ran it.
i ran with joshua (after my long, FAST run yesterday, that was maybe not the best idea. we ran a 26 min 5k)

rebekah ran with bailey (LOTS of drama apparently. ha!)

and pat pushed sawyer and levi and lincoln ran the WHOLE thing!!! (he technically wasn't old enough to run...but he trained with us all fall, so i knew he could do it!)
the finish line!
it was SUCH a fun atmosphere - it was ONLY the running with the stars programs from around the area - so 1st-5th graders and whoever ran with them.
 my co-coach - daphne
 our fam! this picture makes me all kinds of happy!!!
 some friends from other schools ran it, too! so fun to see them along the way!
we came home and ALL 8 of us got in our hot tub! (that we remember to use like once a year. props to pat for thinking of it! it was so fun!!!)

i really, really enjoyed coaching the 30ish kids this fall. it was so nice to get to know the kids in a different setting (besides the classroom and playdates). i also really, really like running and it was so fun to see kids go from not being able to run 1 lap, to being able to run for laps and laps at a time!

1 comment:

Katy said...

wait a second. you have a HOT TUB??? How did i not know that!?!?!?!?