Tuesday, December 18, 2012


"It’s only your own sacrifices that show up at your funeral.

Am I making any of the right ones?

When are your sacrifices really just about lining your own nest? What road, what career, what part of the world and is it okay to stay here or is it okay to go and is that even the right question? Do you have to choose between mothering and mission or can you choose both and what does that really look like at 11:30 on a Friday morning in Kansas?

Will I someday be standing with scars to give account before Him that I wasn't about my own comfort but Christ's call, that I didn’t make my life about safe living but about dangerous dying, that I didn’t escape into a neat, saved American dream but into a messy, mission-driven God-sized demand.
We want clarity — and God gives a call. We want a road map — and God gives a relationship. We want answers — and God gives His hand.

We need the person of God more than we need the plan for our life."

Ann Voskamp

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