Monday, August 20, 2012

bible study finale

the other night we had our bible study finale.
the moms and daughters went out to dinner together!
only 3 of the girls were able to make it. but it was a wonderful evening, talking, watching the girls laugh together. and getting to spend time with some women that i love and look up to!

the restaurant was close enough to our house for us to walk. and that was one of the most precious parts of the night for me. rebekah talked and talked and talked the way there AND back. i love that girl and her heart!

and i love these girls that i was able to spend a couple hours with each week this summer!


Teamjudkins said...

she will remember this forever and it will be a foundation of who she is... i know because it did for me.

Courtney Cassada said...

so fun. sorry for not commenting in a while.