Tuesday, June 12, 2012

a year ago today...

this happened.

i left my baby behind for 3 weeks. it felt like my heart was ripped in 2. yet at the same time, i was going to where a part of my heart had been for 2 years...waiting to meet 2 sons in rwanda.

pat and i, rebekah, joshua and bailey (none of our kids had been on a plane before!) and my amazing sister, hannah, got on a plane for a 3 week trip to meet and bring home our 2 sons.
i will have words.

but right now, i have none...


David and Carrie said...

I started following you religiously during your trip. So many times, your pictures moved me to tears. I was so happy for you...and yet I could tell how hard it was leaving Sawyer behind. The Lord has been so faithful to you all this year. Plenty of struggles, but He IS being glorified through you! All praise to Him! Thank you for sharing the journey with us all!

Holly said...

what a ride, huh?

Katy said...

What a year its been!!

Alden and Dorian said...

Oh yes, that was a HUGE ~ exciting day one year ago. WOW. It kind of seems like 3 years ago huh!? God has so blessed you Courtney to take one day at a time ~ HE is known even more because of these precious boys. Remembering and cherishing with you. I love you.

Ali said...

remember it like it was yesterday. my stomach was a mess those 3 weeks. not like yours of course ;)

Stephanie said...

Amazing! I too have followed your family through the process and have loved every time you shared. You were a few steps ahead of us when Rwanda closed. Now we are home with our Ethiopian cutie, and I still appreciate your authenticity. Looking forward to when you have words :).
