Monday, June 11, 2012

welcome summer!!!

this whole little "event" was supposed to happen when the kids got home from school on friday. but then they had the camping trip.

so it got moved to this morning - our first day of summer TOGETHER!

 it kind of ended up being the best!i've been planning it for awhile (lots of ideas from pinterest...)

i set it all up while the older kids were at swim team and the younger ones were watching a show.

when we got back from picking rebekah up from swim team, i told them something FUN was waiting for them at home!

(maybe somedays that thing will be filled with lemonade? or maybe not. they thought the water tasted better than our "normal" water :-))
i've been getting stuff for this for awhile. with the rest of the money from that ipad we won (remember?)
majority of it is from target $1 bins.
then there's workbooks for them to work on this summer. (this is what joshua did first. of course.)
i loved the hula hoop with everything in the middle! actually my own "idea"!
things for them to SHARE! we've had that sidewalk paint thing in our basement for YEARS and just never brought it out...

this was them running to it when we got home...

she kills me.
he immediately "hid" HIS stuff behind a chair. ugh...
we broke into the gum right away!!! trying to say YES! SURE! as much as i can today! :-)
joshua mowed the grass. lots of bugs were found and caught in those bug catchers. they drew on the driveway with the sidewalk paint. we went to the library and got new books. rebekah made brownies for tonight more on that later!)

it's been a GREAT first day of summer so far (for the record...i can NOT keep this pace all summer!) but it has been FUN to just have FUN and surprise my kids like crazy!!!


Courtney Cassada said...


Ali said...

love it. so fun! Happy Summer!
cute suit, Rebekah ;)

Unknown said...

So much fun! I wanted to do a big water balloon fight when the kids got off the bus, but no one else seemed interested.

Michelle said...

I've been meaning to ask this for that porch area with the ceiling fan and rocking chairs in the front of your house? Did you have that added on and I just missed it?? I don't remember sitting any place like that when I visited.....but that was like 2 years ago. Can't wait to be there again soon!

Katy said...

Wait a second. Joshua.mowed the grass? Like for real?????

Amy said...

You are the coolest mom. :)

anthonyandbeth said...

Fun! Is that a new front porch?? I don't remember it! It's beautiful!!!

Kristen said...

I love reading through your blog and seeing all your
Amazing ideas for kids!!!! Thank you for sharing them and passing the great ideas on Courtney!