levi isn't quite big enough to pedal his new bike. but he LOVES it.
and sawyer was kind enough to push him :-)
{lincoln and sawyer asked if levi needed to wear his helmet. my "yes" was more principle. i mean, he moves faster when he runs then on this bike. but, at some point he IS going to need to wear it. might as well start, right??}
i'm FA-REAKING out about summer. and all the kids being home.
on one hand, i'm so excited. i love being with them and making our own schedules and plans.
but on the other hand, we're in a pretty good groove right now.
i spend my mornings being able to focus fully on lincoln (and ALL he needs. and trying to "make up for lost time" with him), sawyer and levi. then i have a little quiet time to regroup before rebekah, joshua and bailey get home and i'm ready to focus on them for the afternoon. it works. and i'm worried i'm not going to be able to manage them all, ALL day long. every moment will be a decision of who needs me most at the time, and i know i will fail a lot.
last summer was 150% focused on lincoln. he got EVERYTHING. and then some.
and we were all ok with that. it was huge and necessary and everyone could sense it whether they really "got" it or not.
i'm not ok with another summer like that (and i don't think it's necessary at this point, either. if it was, we would figure it out.) but he would gladly be the center of attention at all times if he could manage it. i need wisdom in navigating that. i don't want him to feel like he's "lost" part of me because they are all home, but things ARE going to be different!
ahh! see?!? freaking out!
God HAS been gracious and given me 2 very specific words/plans for the summer. i can't wait to share more as they work themselves out in my head and heart (and hands!)
i started taking vitamins today for the first time in, like, EVER.
seriously. i never have taken vitamins. not even pre-natal vitamins (i know, i know. i'm HORRIBLE. i would have thrown them up anyways...and they made me feel even more sick than i was.)
i just finished this book. wow.
and watched this video (it's long. i didn't watch all of it. but enough to get the point. yikes!)
we've been slowly making changes around here. and i don't think my kids are going to be super excited, but the changes are going to keep coming.
i am hopeful we are all becoming healthier and are even reversing the damage we've done to our bodies.
i've been doing my own little experiment on lincoln and sugar recently.
it appears (not sure my experiment is long enough to make this conclusion yet, but) if he has ANY concentrated sugar (candy/cake type) he stays up approximately 2 hours longer in his bed. if not, he's asleep in a matter of minutes. no matter WHAT else happened that day (played outside or not, took a nap or not.)
if no one will push him, he will just push his bike :-)
was hoping the fields were going to be too wet from all the rain yesterday for softball/baseball tonight so we could go pick strawberries. it's not looking like it. sad. THIS is why i vote for no sports...
It's very interesting what you're finding about sugar and Lincolon. Our Rwandan son that we're hoping to bring home in a week or two is about 3 1/2 years old. I'm wondering if the fact that these orphanage children haven't had processed sugar for the first years of their lives means that they are super sensitive to it now. I don't know, but after what you've written, I'm wondering if I should try very hard not to expose my little guy to processed sugars. Let me know as your 'experiments' contnue!
My born-and-raised-American nephew reacts noticeably to sugar too. His brother does not. Probably a chemistry thing. I know it's toxic. I'm having a hard time giving it up.
I love Levi pushing his bike.
I have a plan for summer. Waiting to see if I actually implement it!
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