Thursday, April 5, 2012

we have some pets...maybe?!?

we had such a great day today.
regrouped. remembered how to get along. cleaned up. had NO commitments or schedule!
we took a walk AFTER dinner. that used to be a regular thing. not these days. so it was SUCH a fun thing!
we found all these tadpoles and brought some home!
thankfully there was a ziploc bag in the bottom of the stroller to put them in!
they are in a jar on our kitchen counter. i just boiled lettuce for their food (we looked some stuff up on g@@gle when we got home). 6-12 weeks until they are frogs...but we don't know how long they've been tadpoles! maybe we'll have frogs soon?!?
there were some races {notice how lincoln's feet NEVER touch the ground! that's how he goes through life! he is SO light on his feet!}
have i told you he's stubborn? like, REALLY stubborn?!?
again. no feet on the ground?!?
stretching before his race :-)

we stopped at a playground on the way home. proof to pat that i can do a pull-up (i know, it's the "girl" kind) but i had to hold it there while rebekah took a picture! that's HUGE for me. i used to not even be able to get halfway up! :-)
SO SO thankful for this day with my kids!!!


Kim Mattes said...

love your pictures and your day - the best kind!! and i love your pull up. holly did 5 at school a few days ago and asked me to do one. so i did - barely. my arms were KILLING me the next day. hope that you aren't feeling them tomorrow. ;-)

Mandy said...

love these pics!

Holly said...

love the pull up you strong girl!

that 'no feet on the ground' thing has to have some serious spiritual meanings....can't wait.

jenn said...

yeah, pull up!!