Friday, April 20, 2012

funk friday

i don't know.
i'm in a funk. and it's going to be ok. but, right now, it's not.

i have to process in my head first, before i can process here.
and, for some reason, i'm hitting a wall in my head. over and over. i'm stuck.

so, until i figure that out, you get some fun pictures!

they were all playing nicely. and on their own while i worked out. i had to document it!
i have read these verses SO many times this week!

"Let us then approach the thrown of grace with CONFIDENCE, so that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need." Hebrews 4:14-16 (that was just verse 16)
this is how levi sits to watch a show. i love it!

this is how they ride together sometimes. so cute!
i looked over the other evening and saw this sight. and was completely overwhelmed. with His goodness!
a year ago, i didn't even KNOW this little boy! now?? he's sitting at a table in my kitchen. watching me make dinner and eating a snack and blowing me kisses. wow.
game #2!

cheering squad. this game was HORRIBLE. i was in tears by the end because of this adorable cheering squad. it's going to be a long spring...

this is going to sound crazy to some of you. but to those that can relate, i know you will understand.

at one point, i had to sit all 4 of them down in front of me, "just sit there. no talking. nothing. just SIT for a few minutes!" i wanted to watch a couple minutes of the GAME!

i looked down and lincoln is doing this. i know, it's like a totally normal thing that little kids do, dig in the dirt.

but, that red dirt looked all of a sudden just like the red dirt from rwanda and he was going at that dirt like he was trying to get OUT. intense. HARD. i wanted to scream my head off, "stop!" but i didn't. i took a picture (:-)) and then said, "ok. you guys can get up and play nicely."
it used to happen a lot more often. it's pretty rare these days. but, when i see a behavior pop up that is from the little boy "before", i kind of freak out. and it helps me to understand why, when anything comes up that might remind HIM of those days, he shuts down and acts like he's never heard of rwanda before.
so, it's friday. it's beautiful out.
going OUT to see the hunger games with friends tonight (i reread all 3 books in the series in the last 2 weeks! they are JUST as addictive the second time around!)
i'll keep working my way through my funk.
have a great weekend!!!


Ali said...

Praying for you. I felt your prayers yesterday. God drew me close. Hope you have a fantastic weekend. I don't understand how you read so much! Amazing :) If I read in bed, I am asleep in 3 minutes!

Juanita said...

I appreciate the verse you quoted. Through the ups and downs of our adoption process I've been dissapointed with myself and my 'issues' and my husband is constantly quoting that verse for me and encouraging me to "approach the thrown of grace with confidence". I just found it so interesting that we are both being drawn to this verse right now. He is amazing :)

Chrissy said...

I break out into a cold sweat every time I have to take my crew to a sibling's soccer game or baseball game, especially if I'm on my own! And then, of course, every stares at you like you are the worst parent in the world if anything goes awry!

....I totally get where you're coming from!

Laura said...

I SO get it. This has been one of those weeks in our house. After 3 years, Isaiah has been once again living and functioning like he is an orphan. Lots of discussions with him, lots of discipline from me, lots of tears for both of us!

I am wondering if it is linked to our "gotcha" celebrations last weekend. I know those are good, but they are also painful reminders of the loss he has experienced. I am still processing all of that.

Katy said...

First, david and I went to see hunger games last night. Great minds think alike :). Second, I feel your "field" pain. We were there for 4 hours today. It's exhausting. Third, Lincoln and the dirt. Made my heart jump in my throat. So very thankful for what a difference he is getting to live this sspring as opposed to last year. God will redeem his story and use it in.amazing ways to bring glory to His name. He already is! Love you!

Deena said...

I think I feel your funk a least I KNOW I feel your funk about trying to watch baseball with little ones around :) We have baseball four nights a week in the spring, and I know (all too well) how hard it is to keep everyone happy during the games.
Hope you enjoyed the movie! I really liked it (and am on the third book now!).

Leighann said...

I have been known to say those words: "No talking. None. Not a word." Then they're so quiet I forget I put them on no talking until one peeps up very humbly, "Can we talk now?" :)