Monday, March 5, 2012

the weekend

amazing title, i know!

we had a great weekend.

had a "Prep for Haiti" party on friday night...packed up 6 bags of clothes for them to bring. and made a bag of fun treats for each child in the orphanage.

the kids helped. and loved it.
but i enjoyed that so much of this weekend wasn't ABOUT our kids. a LOT of our time is ABOUT our kids - which is appropriate in this stage - having 6 little kids. but, they need to know life isn't ALL about them. and it wasn't this weekend. that was a good thing.

after a day of sports on saturday, pat and i went on a DATE saturday night!

good, old-fashioned dinner and a movie!

i am so thankful for this man.
and we ended up in our favorite place...cuddling on the couch. :-) (we're crazy, huh?)
sunday night dinner was a big salad bar! most of the kids actually loved it - i was surprised! we are slowly making changes to eat healthier around here...salad bar for dinner once a week will be a regular, i think!


Christy said...

SO thankful for date nights!!!
You 2 are really cute :)

Love the salad bar idea!!

Laura said...

I love the salad bar idea. I do "made-to-order salads" for my kids, but they are completely capable of making their own if I just get the ingredients ready. I am gonna give it a try!!